Student Success Fund
What if you had the opportunity to change a child’s future? What if God placed you exactly where you are…so you could touch a young person’s life?
Every year, there are students of Lancaster Baptist School who are unable to continue their education. They are smart, good students. They love their classes, friends, and teachers. They love learning about God. They just need a little help. Sometimes a parent loses a job and struggles to find another; sometimes a medical need, health problem, or family tragedy causes an unexpected financial burden. Whatever the reason, these children’s futures have been taken, for a moment, out of their families’ control. They are unable to afford a quality Christian education. That’s where we come in. They can’t do it, but, together, we can help.
Your donations will be used to award up to 50 percent of tuition for a student in need, depending on available funds. Registration, school, athletic, and activity fees will not be covered.
With your donation, you could enable a child to stay at Lancaster Baptist School. You could be the difference-maker in their life. You could change their future. And you can start today.
Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law
Many companies match employees’ gifts to nonprofit organizations at a 1:1 ratio. This could double your gift! Simply ask your Human Resources Department for a matching gift form.