
Lancaster Baptist School, a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church, began in 1989 as the result of a burden upon the heart of Pastor Paul Chappell. After much time in prayer before the Lord, Pastor Chappell brought the vision before the church as an alternative to the humanistic-based philosophy being taught in public schools throughout our state and nation.

The Lord brought Rick and Kathy Houk to Lancaster Baptist Church in 1989 to help Pastor Chappell fulfill this vision and in September of 1989 Lancaster Baptist School opened with a total enrollment of 47 students in grades kindergarten through twelfth. Today LBS has over 500 students. As a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster Baptist School has closed enrollment and is only open to the members of the church.

The “eagle” was chosen as the representative symbol of Lancaster Baptist School because it represents victory – a victorious Christian walk. The eagle is prevalent in Scripture and many biblical principles may be learned from its behavior. The eagle has a majestic reputation throughout the history of mankind, and so it is a befitting image as Lancaster Baptist School trains students to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Faculty & Staff

Pastor & Founder
Vice Principal/International Director
Accounting Supervisor

School Profile

Our Purpose & Philosophy


The purpose of Lancaster Baptist School is to educate and to train the whole student: spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. Because the Lord requires a vessel unto honor, guidelines for personal habits, definite dress codes, and proper leisure-time activities are provided. The principle of self-discipline is the basis of our disciplinary structure. We believe the student must honor the rights of others and respect the individual’s freedom. Not only must a young person have his appearance and actions reflect the Lord Jesus, but he must also have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to serve the Lord in the plan God has for his life. Therefore, the Bible is not substituted for any academic subject, but it is integrated into the total educational program. The Bible is taught so that the student will develop sound values that will govern every step of his life.

Lancaster Baptist School desires to send out into the world young people who will be lights in this night of spiritual darkness (Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 6:12). The chief objective of our school is to prepare students for the possibility of full-time Christian service. According to Matthew 9:37, “…The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. . .” Our school strives to prepare students to be thrust into the harvest field (John 4:35) and to accomplish much to the glory of the Lord. “To the praise of the glory of his grace…” (Ephesians 1:6).


The mission of Lancaster Baptist School is to assist parents in educating and equipping their students to develop a heart for God, to cultivate a sound biblical worldview, and to prepare students to positively impact their families, churches, communities, and country for Jesus Christ.

Lancaster Baptist School seeks to accomplish its mission by striving to achieve the following five learning outcomes:

  • Establishing Christ-like Character Do right
  • Achieving Academically Be Like Jesus
  • Growing Comprehensively Get Smart
  • Leading through Service Serve Others
  • Elevating Patriotism Love America

Lancaster Baptist School provides a solid academic foundation for a student's future. Students of Lancaster Baptist School consistently score above the national average on annual standard tests. The high school’s college preparatory curriculum enables graduates to be well prepared for college and adult life.

  • Bible
  • Math
  • Phonics
  • Reading
  • Grammar
  • Penmanship
  • Creative writing
  • Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry
  • Science
  • Music
  • U.S. and World History & Geography
  • Spanish
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Christ’s Life and Ministry
  • Bible Doctrine
  • Baptist Distinctives
  • Paul’s Missionary Journeys
  • New Testament Church History
  • Systematic Theology and Apologetics
  • Biblical Prophecy
  • Christian Manhood/Womanhood
  • General Science
  • Physical Science
  • Biology (lab)
  • Chemistry (lab)*
  • Physics (lab)*

* Indicates Upper Level Class.

  • Composition
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Creative Writing
  • Speech
  • American Literature
  • English Literature
  • World Literature
  • AP English Language & Composition*

* Indicates Upper Level Class.

  • General Math
  • Business Math
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra II*
  • Geometry*
  • Pre-Calculus (Trigonometry)*
  • Advanced Math I*
  • Advanced Math II (Calculus)*
  • AP Calculus AB*

* Indicates Upper Level Class.

  • U.S. History
  • World History
  • Geography
  • Government
  • Economics AP U.S. History*

* Indicates Upper Level Class.

  • Health
  • Physical Education
  • Introduction to Spanish
  • Spanish 1 & 2
  • Sign Language
  • Home Economics
  • Drama
  • Keyboarding
  • Computer
  • Choir
  • Band (Marching and Pep)
  • Strings
  • Orchestra
  • Ensemble
  • Private piano
  • Study Skills Development
  • ACT College Test Prep
  • AP College Test Prep
  • Art
  • Architectural Drawing
  • Auto Mechanics


Our school is a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church designed to help families train their children for Christian service. Our approach is a complementary one. God has established the family as the principal entity to train children, with the church serving as a second platform of spiritual training and leadership development for the family. The Christian school provides a third source of godly influence. This arrangement is truly successful only if the direction being set by all three is in agreement.

For this reason, it is vital that parents agree with the doctrine and philosophy of Lancaster Baptist Church, which are held wholly by Lancaster Baptist School, as well. A child, placed in an environment in which the family follows a direction contrary to that of the church and the school, is a child given to much confusion and strife within his own thoughts and actions. It should be understood that our primary goal is to produce and develop servant leaders for Christ. Students are led to develop the “mind of Christ” (Philippians 2:5) in their lives. A key reason for the existence of Christian education is to establish an environment that will develop a sound biblical worldview. The Lancaster Baptist School has developed a program to minister to the complete student. This is accomplished through four areas of emphasis:

The first and strongest emphasis is the spiritual growth of the child and family. The clear teaching of the Bible is the best foundation for learning. The Bible is not only taught as a class, but also permeates every other subject. We endeavor to introduce each child to Christ and to direct children and families to thoroughly know and live the Bible.

The second emphasis is on academics. The school uses a traditional, time-tested, rigorous Christian curriculum. We provide a superior academic climate and promote academic excellence to best prepare students to fulfill God’s will for their lives.

The third and fourth areas of emphasis are proper social and physical development. The school sponsors fine arts competitions, musicals, and seasonal programs teaching our students to exalt Christ with their God-given talents, abilities, and skills. Our physical education and athletic programs are continually expanding to meet the needs of our students.

Doctrines & Beliefs

As a ministry of Lancaster Baptist Church, Lancaster Baptist School adheres to and supports the doctrines and beliefs of Lancaster Baptist Church.

International Student Program